Frederick Douglass National Historic Site Coin

Starting in 2010, the America the Beautiful coin series has been celebrating America’s national parks and historic sites. One of these coins acknowledges the Frederick Douglass National Monument in Washington, D.C. Continue reading to learn more about this coin, its history, and how it can be used as an investment.


Front / Obverse

The front of this silver coin shows a well-recognized portrait of George Washington, our first president. This portrait is also shown on the front side of all U.S. quarters.
Designer: John Flanagan

Rear / Reverse

The back side of this coin shows abolitionist Frederick Douglass seated at his writing desk with his Washington, D.C. home behind him.
Designer: Thomas Hipschen



In the 19th century, Frederick Douglass was one of the most recognizable African American abolitionists. Born a slave, Douglass taught himself to read and finally escaped slavery in 1838. Douglass soon dedicated his life to the abolitionist movement and frequently gave speeches against slavery. He even served as an advisor to President Lincoln.

In 1988, Douglass’s home in Washington, D.C. was made into the Frederick Douglass National Historic Site.

